1. General Information

The website https://nd-travel-blog.com/ is published by N&D.

2. Hosting

The website https://nd-travel-blog.com/ is hosted by the company 02 Switch, headquartered in Clermont-Ferrand, France. The company 02 Switch is registered with the RCS of Clermont Ferrand under the number 510 909 807 00024. You can contact them by phone at 04 44 44 60 40.

3. Intellectual Property

The Publisher holds the intellectual property rights of the Site in its entirety, as well as each of its individual elements (including, but not limited to: its graphic design, structure, navigation interfaces, databases, newsletters, specific programs and developments, content including data, texts, articles, static or animated images, files, etc.).
Any total or partial reproduction of the site or any of its elements without the express permission of ND TRAVEL BLOG is prohibited and would constitute an infringement punishable under Articles L.335-2 and subsequent of the Intellectual Property Code.

The databases appearing on the site are protected by Articles L.341-1 and subsequent of the Intellectual Property Code, and any qualitatively or quantitatively substantial extraction or reuse of the content of databases is prohibited.

The trademarks and logos appearing on the site are registered trademarks of ND TRAVEL BLOG or third parties. Any reproduction, imitation, or use, in whole or in part, of these distinctive signs without express permission and in violation of the prohibitions provided for in Articles L.713-2 and subsequent of the Intellectual Property Code, engages the responsibility of their author.

Other distinctive signs, including company names, trade names, signs, domain names reproduced on the site are the property of ND TRAVEL BLOG or third parties, and any reproduction without express permission may constitute an infringement engaging the responsibility of its author on the basis of Article 1240 of the Civil Code.

4. Liability

ND TRAVEL BLOG makes every effort to provide users with accurate and verified information and tools. However, ND TRAVEL BLOG cannot be held responsible for the unavailability of information and/or the presence of viruses or other logic infections on the Site.
The user acknowledges having read these legal notices and agrees to comply with them. The user acknowledges that the use of the information and tools available on the Site is done under their sole responsibility.

5. Protection of Personal Data

In accordance with current regulations, ND TRAVEL BLOG implements the processing of personal data.
The Publisher informs the user about the implementation of a processing of personal data concerning them, intended for authorized members of ND TRAVEL BLOG, as well as the Publisher and its subcontractors.

The user has the rights to object, limit, access, rectify, portability, and erasure of their data. The user can also give instructions to the Publisher regarding the fate of their data after their death.

The Publisher may retain the personal data of non-customer users for prospecting purposes for a period of three years from their collection or last contact.

As part of the energy certificates financing scheme, customer user data will be retained in the active database for the duration necessary for the preparation of administrative files and then transferred within 6 months to an intermediate database with limited access for a period of 6 years from the deposit, in accordance with the requirements of the National Energy Saving Certificates Office.

To exercise their rights, the user must send a letter to ND TRAVEL BLOG accompanied by a photocopy of an identity document bearing their signature to the email address contact@nd-travel-blog.com.

For any additional information, you can contact the data protection officer of ND TRAVEL BLOG at the email address contact@nd-travel-blog.com.

The Publisher will respond to the user’s request as soon as possible, provided that it is sufficiently precise and contains all the necessary elements to respond.

These legal notices may be modified and updated at any time, so we recommend that you consult them regularly.