In autumn 2022, the Palace of Parliament (Bundeshaus) will be transformed for the twelfth time into a giant outdoor display. The Rendez-vous Bundesplatz offers a dazzling light show that lasts about half an hour and is shown several times a day. Admission to the program is completely free.

The light shows will take place Tuesday through Sunday.

The show

Tuesday to Sunday
from 22 .10. to 26.11.2022
7pm, 8pm, 9pm
No screenings on Mondays

Point Nemo

Have you ever heard of these numbers ♁48° 52′ 31.75″ S, 123° 23′ 33.07″? These are the coordinates of Point Nemo, the furthest point on earth. It is at this enchanting place that the audience will come in this year's performance. During an expedition by Jules Verne's Nautilus submarine, dark kelp forests are crossed, swarms of glowing plankton are seen, and mighty octopuses swim past. All you have to do is climb aboard and explore the impressive sight for yourself.

How to get there

As almost everywhere in Switzerland: it is incredibly easy to get to the Rendez-Vous projection show by public transport. The Bern train station is only a short walk away.

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